Rivendell Font Management

Fred Gleason

Table of Contents

Accessing Fonts
Button Fonts
Label Fonts
Miscellaneous Fonts
The Default Font
RDAdmin - Configure RDAirPlay
RDLibrary - Edit Audio
RDCastManager - Uploading Audio
RDCastManager - List Carts


Fonts in Rivendell are managed by the RDFontEngine class, which generates them based on a set of abstract "roles" from a small group of parameters provided in the [Fonts] section of rd.conf(5). The intent is to provide a consistent look-and-feel throughout the various Rivendell user modules while providing a convenient means for local customization.

Accessing Fonts

The simplest method for gaining access to Rivendell fonts is to inherit from one of the following classes:


Each of these classes (as well as RDFontEngine itself) provides the following font methods:

Button Fonts


Font for use in QPushButton widgets used for primary navigation, such as the "OK" and "Cancel" button found in most dialogs in rdadmin(1).


Font for use in QPushButton widgets requiring an especially large font, such as the numbered "line" buttons in rdcartslots(1).


Font for use in QPushButton widgets requiring a large font, such as the "Add", "Move", "Delete" and "Copy" buttons in rdairplay(1).


Font for use in QPushButton widgets used for subsidiary navigation, such as "Select" buttons used to invoke file pickers.

Label Fonts


Font for use in QLabel widgets used for labeling the major UI element in a dialog, such as a QListView.


Font for use in QLabel widgets used for item labeling, such as the various output names in the Configure RDAirPlay dialog in rdadmin(1).


Font for use in QLabel widgets used for identifying major sections within a particular dialog, such as the "Channel Assignments", "Log Settings", "Display Settings" and "Start/Stop Settings" sections of the Configure RDAirPlay dialog in rdadmin(1).


Font for use in QLabel widgets used for sub-item labeling, such as the "Card" and "Port" fields in the Configure RDAirPlay dialog in rdadmin(1).

Miscellaneous Fonts


Font for use in QProgressBar widgets used for showing progress on long-running operations, such as posting a podcast in rdcastmanager(1).


Font for use where a large display font is needed, such as the "L" and "R" channel markers on the waveform display in the Edit Audio dialog in rdlibrary(1).


Font for use in timer displays, such as the one in the Cut Info/Record dialog in rdlibrary(1).


Font for use in small timer displays, such as the one on SoundPanel buttons in rdairplay(1).

The Default Font

The defaultFont() method returns a font that can also be obtained by calling the font() method of RDDialog, RDFrame, RDPushButton and RDWidget classes. As implied by its name, this font will also be assigned by default to any child widgets of those classes. This font should be used for all data element classes (QLineEdit, QComboBox, QTextEdit, etc.)



Examples of bigButtonFont(), smallTimerFont() and timerFont()


Example of hugeButtonFont()

RDAdmin - Configure RDAirPlay

Examples of buttonFont(), subButtonFont(), labelFontFont(), sectionLabelFont() and subLabelFont()

RDLibrary - Edit Audio

Example of bannerFont()

RDCastManager - Uploading Audio

Example of progressFont()

RDCastManager - List Carts

Example of bigLabelFont()