Rivendell Radio Automation System

Operations and Administration Guide

Fred Gleason

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in Appendix A, GNU Free Documentation License.

Table of Contents

I. Rivendell Operations
1. System Overview
1.1. Introducing Rivendell
1.1.1. The Rivendell Object Paradigm
1.1.2. The Rivendell Hardware Paradigm
2. Managing the Current User with RDLogin
2.1. RDLogin
3. Content Management with RDLibrary
3.1. The Rivendell Library Structure and RDLibrary
3.1.1. Carts
3.1.2. Cuts
3.2. Alternative Methods of Audio Ingestion
3.2.1. Importing Audio from a File
3.2.2. Ripping Audio from a CD Track
3.2.3. Ripping Multiple CD Tracks at a Time
3.3. Macro Carts
3.4. Navigating the Audio Library
3.4.1. Changing the Cart Sort Order
3.4.2. Selecting Carts by the Filter Field
3.4.3. Selecting Carts by Group
3.4.4. Selecting Carts by Type
3.4.5. Selecting and Opening Carts
3.4.6. Viewing and Selecting Cuts
3.4.7. Playing Carts and Cuts
3.4.8. Running Macros
3.5. Library Maintenance
3.5.1. Editing Markers
3.5.2. Copying and Pasting Audio from Cut to Cut
3.6. Generating Library Reports
3.6.1. The Cart Report
3.6.2. The Cut Report
3.6.3. The Cart Data Dump (CSV)
4. Automating Tasks with RDCatch
4.1. Choosing the Correct Automation Tool
4.2. The RDCatch Main Window
4.2.1. The Record / Play Out Deck Area
4.2.2. The Filter Area
4.2.3. The Event List
4.2.4. The Button Area
4.3. Daylight Saving Time Considerations
4.3.1. Spring Forward Transitions
4.3.2. Fall Back Transitions
4.4. Adding New Events
4.5. Automating Recordings
4.5.1. The 'Start Parameters' Section
4.5.2. The 'End Parameters' Section
4.5.3. Programming Multiple Recordings in a Single Event
4.5.4. Selecting a Record Source
4.5.5. Selecting a Record Destination
4.5.6. Setting the Active Days for a Recording
4.5.7. Record List Management with Event Active and Make OneShot
4.6. Automating Playouts
4.7. Automating Uploads/Downloads
4.8. Automating Macro Execution
4.9. Automating Switcher Operations
5. Generating and Maintaining Logs with RDLogEdit
5.1. Logs and Log Events
5.1.1. Audio Carts
5.1.2. Macro Carts
5.1.3. Note Markers
5.1.4. Track Markers
5.1.5. Chain Events
5.1.6. Import Links
5.2. Event Transitions
5.2.1. The PLAY Transition
5.2.2. The SEGUE Transition
5.2.3. The STOP Transition
5.3. Time and Time Types
5.3.1. The Relative Time Type
5.3.2. The Hard and Soft Time Types
5.3.3. Estimated vs. Scheduled Start Times
5.4. Editing Log Event Parameters
5.4.1. Specifying a Cart
5.4.2. Specifying Meta Event Parameters
5.4.3. Rearranging Log Events
5.4.4. Saving or Abandoning Changes to a Log
5.4.5. Missing/Invalid Cart Events
5.5. Generating Log Reports
5.5.1. Log Listing
5.5.2. Log Exception Report
5.6. Auditioning Audio
6. Running Logs with RDAirPlay
6.1. Overview
6.2. Log Machines
6.3. Layout
6.3.1. The Wall Clock
6.3.2. The Mode Indicator
6.3.3. The Audio Meters
6.3.4. The Label Area
6.3.5. The User Logo
6.3.6. The Button Log Widget
6.3.7. The Pie Wedge Widget
6.3.8. The Next Stop Counter
6.3.9. The Right-Hand Side
6.3.10. The Full Log Widget
6.4. Editing a Log
6.4.1. Drag and Drop
6.4.2. The Editing Buttons
6.4.3. The SoundPanel
6.4.4. Panel Types
6.4.5. Programming a SoundPanel Button
7. Playing Audio with RDCartSlots
7.1. Overview
7.2. Setting the Slot Options
7.2.1. Cart Deck Slot Options
7.3. Operation in Cart Deck Mode
7.4. Operation in Breakaway Mode
8. Generating Logs and Reports with RDLogManager
8.1. Overview
8.2. Grids
8.2.1. Bypassing Grid Processing
8.2.2. Configuring Grids
8.3. Clocks
8.4. Events
8.5. Generating Logs
8.6. Generating Reports
8.6.1. Manually Purging Old Report Data
9. VoiceTracking
9.1. Voicetracking in Rivendell
9.1.1. Prerequisites
9.1.2. VoiceTrack Markers
9.2. Using the Voicetrack Interface
9.2.1. The VoiceTracker Dialog
9.2.2. Editing Transitions
9.2.3. Inserting and Deleting Track Markers
9.2.4. Moving Between Track Markers
9.2.5. Recording a Voicetrack
9.2.6. Adjusting Transition Levels
9.2.7. Importing Voicetracks
9.2.8. Hitting the Post
10. Managing Podcasts with RDCastManager
10.1. Overview
10.2. Editing an Item's Metadata
10.3. Deleting an Item
10.4. Posting: Creating a New Item
10.4.1. Posting from a Rivendell Cart/Cut
10.4.2. Posting from a Rivendell Log
10.4.3. Posting an Audio File
11. Webget
11.1. Webget
11.1.1. Downloading Audio
11.1.2. Uploading Audio
II. Rivendell Administration
12. Configuring Rivendell with RDAdmin
12.1. Overview
12.2. Managing Users
12.3. Managing Groups
12.3.1. Editing Group Information
12.3.2. Renaming Groups
12.3.3. Group Report
12.4. Managing Services
12.4.1. The General Section
12.4.2. Traffic/Music Data Importation Settings
12.4.3. Traffic/Music Import Parser Settings
12.4.4. Testing Data Importation
12.5. Managing Hosts
12.5.1. Configuring RDLibrary
12.5.2. Configuring RDCatch
12.5.3. Configuring RDAirPlay
12.5.4. Configuring RDPanel
12.5.5. Configuring RDLogEdit
12.5.6. Configuring RDCartSlots
12.5.7. Configuring Dropboxes
12.5.8. Configuring Switcher/GPIO Devices
12.5.9. Configuring Host Variables
12.5.10. Configuring Audio Ports
12.5.11. Configuring Serial Ports
12.5.12. Viewing Audio Resources
12.5.13. JACK Integration
12.5.14. Managing PyPAD Instances
12.6. Managing System Settings
12.7. Managing Voicetracking
12.8. Managing Scheduler Codes
12.9. Managing Replicators
12.10. Configuring Webget
12.10.1. Disallowing Duplicate Cart Titles
12.10.2. Configuring Encoder Formats
12.10.3. Configuring Webget Users
13. Managing the Rivendell Database with RDDbConfig
13.1. Overview
13.2. Creating a New Database
13.3. Backing Up the Database
13.4. Restoring the Database from a Backup
14. Rivendell Macro Langauge
14.1. Overview
14.2. Protocol
14.3. Command Delivery
14.4. Command Reply
14.5. Specifying Color
14.6. Binary Data
14.7. JACK Port Names
14.8. Log Machines
14.9. Commands
14.9.1. Air Gate [AG]
14.9.2. Append Log [AL]
14.9.3. Binary Serial Out [BO]
14.9.4. Clear Serial Trap [SC]
14.9.5. Command Send [CC]
14.9.6. Connect Jack Ports [JC]
14.9.7. Console Label [CL]
14.9.8. Copy Cut [CP]
14.9.9. Cut Event [CE]
14.9.10. Disconnect Jack Ports [JD]
14.9.11. Disconnect All Jack Ports [JZ]
14.9.12. Duck Panel Button [PD]
14.9.13. Execute Breakaway [DX]
14.9.14. Execute Cart [EX]
14.9.15. Fire Salvo [FS]
14.9.16. GPI Enable [GE]
14.9.17. GPI Enable [GE] (old format, deprecated)
14.9.18. GPI Set [GI]
14.9.19. GPI Set [GI] (old format, deprecated)
14.9.20. GPO Set [GO]
14.9.21. GPO Set [GO] (old format, deprecated)
14.9.22. Insert Cart [PX]
14.9.23. Insert Serial Trap [SI]
14.9.24. Label Panel [PC]
14.9.25. Load Log [LL]
14.9.26. Load Message [LM]
14.9.27. Load Panel [PE]
14.9.28. Load Slot [DL]
14.9.29. Login [LO]
14.9.30. Macro Timer [MT]
14.9.31. Make Next [MN]
14.9.32. Message Box [MB]
14.9.33. No Operation [NN]
14.9.34. Pause Panel [PU]
14.9.35. Play Panel [PP]
14.9.36. Play Slot [DP]
14.9.37. Refresh Log [RL]
14.9.38. Run Shell Command [RN]
14.9.39. Select Widget [PW]
14.9.40. Serial Out [SO]
14.9.41. Serial Reload [SY]
14.9.42. Set Color Label [LC]
14.9.43. Set Default Now & Next Cart [SN]
14.9.44. Set Display [SD]
14.9.45. Set Duck Level [MD]
14.9.46. Set Label [LB]
14.9.47. Set Mode [PM]
14.9.48. Sleep [SP]
14.9.49. Start [PL]
14.9.50. Start Button [PB]
14.9.51. Start Next [PN]
14.9.52. Start Record Deck [RS]
14.9.53. Stop [PS]
14.9.54. Stop Panel [PT]
14.9.55. Stop Record Deck [RR]
14.9.56. Stop Slot [DS]
14.9.57. Switch Add [SA]
14.9.58. Switch Add With Gain [SG]
14.9.59. Switch Crosspoint Gain [SX]
14.9.60. Switch Level [SL]
14.9.61. Switch Reload [SZ]
14.9.62. Switch Remove [SR]
14.9.63. Switch Take [ST]
14.9.64. Toggle On Air Flag [TA]
14.9.65. UDP Out [UO]
15. Program Associated Data
15.1. Overview
15.1.1. The JSON Interface
15.1.2. PyPAD
16. Interfacing with the Linux Ecosystem: Command-Line Utilities
16.1. rdclilogedit(1)
16.2. rdconvert(1)
16.3. rddbmgr(8)
16.4. rdexport(1)
16.5. rdimport(1)
16.6. rdlogmanager(1)
16.7. rdmarkerset(8)
16.8. rmlsend(1)
A. GNU Free Documentation License
A.1. GNU Free Documentation License
A.1.1. ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents
B. The GNU General Public License, Version Two
B.1.1. Preamble
B.2. How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
C. Supported GPIO/Switcher Devices
C.1. 360 Systems AM-16/B Audio Crosspoint Switcher
C.2. BroadcastTools 10x1
C.3. BroadcastTools 16x1
C.4. BroadcastTools 16x2
C.5. BroadcastTools 8x2
C.6. BroadcastTools ACS8.2
C.7. BroadcastTools ADMS 44.22 Analog/AES Digital Matrix Switcher
C.8. BroadcastTools GPI-16 General Purpose Input Module
C.9. BroadcastTools Sentinel 4 Web AES Switcher
C.10. BroadcastTools SRC-16
C.11. BroadcastTools SS 12.4
C.12. BroadcastTools SS 2.1
C.13. BroadcastTools SS 16.4
C.14. BroadcastTools SS 4.1 MLR Switcher/Router
C.15. BroadcastTools SS4.2
C.16. BroadcastTools SS4.4
C.17. BroadcastTools SS8.2
C.18. BroadcastTools Universal 4.1MLR>>Web
C.19. Grass Valley 7000 Protocol
C.20. Harlond Virtual Mixer
C.21. Kernel GPIO
C.22. Livewire LWRP Audio
C.23. Livewire LWRP GPIO
C.24. Livewire Multicast GPIO
C.25. Local Audio Adapter
C.26. Local GPIO
C.26.1. 15 Pin Joystick Port
C.26.2. MeasurementComputing GPIO Cards
C.27. Logitek vGuest
C.28. Modbus TCP
C.29. Quartz Electronics Type 1 Routing Protocol
C.30. Ross NK Video Switchers (via SCP/A Serial Interface)
C.31. Serial Port Modem Control Lines
C.32. Sierra Automated Systems 16000(D) Audio Router
C.33. Sierra Automated Systems 32000 Audio Router
C.34. Sierra Automated Systems 64000 Audio Router
C.35. Sierra Automated Systems 64000 Audio Router
C.36. Sierra Automated Systems User Serial Interface (USI)
C.37. Sine Systems ACU-1 (Prophet Version)
C.38. Software Authority Protocol
C.39. Starguide III Satellite Receiver
C.40. Wegener Unity4000 DVB Satellite Receiver
C.41. Wheatnet Blade LIO
C.42. Wheatnet Blade SLIO
D. Filepath Wildcards
D.1. Definition
D.2. Examples
E.1. Metadata Wildcards
F. Rivendell Filter
F.1. Overview
F.2. Usage
F.3. Procedure
F.3.1. Create Rivendell Groups
F.3.2. Locate the External Rivendell Database and Audio Files
F.3.3. Verify Available Disk Space
F.3.4. Invoke Script
G. Wings Filter
G.1. Overview
G.2. Usage
G.3. Procedure
G.3.1. Create Rivendell Groups
G.3.2. Locate the 'Wings' Database and Audio Files
G.3.3. Verify Available Disk Space
G.3.4. Invoke Script
G.3.5. Clean Up
H. Creating and Configuring a Secure Shell Identity Key-pair for Rivendell
H.1. Overview
H.2. Requirements
H.3. Generating the Keys
H.3.1. Procedure
I. Library Text Searches
J. File Metadata

List of Tables

4.1. RDCatch Event States
4.2. RDCatch Event State Colors
4.3. RDCatch Event Icons
5.1. Log Event Type Icons
10.1. RDCastManager Item States
12.1. Default Import Title Wildcards
12.2. Dropbox PathSpec Examples
12.3. Audio Port Mode Switch Settings
14.1. Range Specification Examples
C.1. Harlond Output Buss Mappings
C.2. 15 Pin Joystick Port Wiring
C.3. PCI-PDIS08 and PCI-PDIS16 Connector Pinout (DB37F)
C.4. PCI-DIO24 Connector Pinout (DB37F)
C.5. Modem Serial Lines GPI Signal Mapping
C.6. Modem Serial Lines GPO Signal Mapping
E.1. Metadata Wildcards
E.2. Metadata DateTime Specification
J.1. Supported Metadata Schemes
J.2. RDXL Cart Fields
J.3. RDXL Cut Fields
J.4. CartChunk to RDXL Field Mappings
J.5. ID3v2.3 Frame to RDXL Field Mappings