Table of Contents

E.1. Metadata Wildcards

E.1. Metadata Wildcards

These codes are used in Rivendell to indicate when a substitution of the indicated cart metadata field should be performed --e.g. in the '--metadata-pattern' switch of rdimport(1) or the RLMResolveNowNext*() functions in the Rivendell Loadable Module API.

Table E.1. Metadata Wildcards

%b%BRecord Label
%d(<dt>)%D(<dt>)Date/Time (see the Metadata DateTime Specification for values of <dt>)
%g%GRivendell group name
%h%HEvent length (milliseconds)
%i%ICut Description
%j%JCut Number
%k%KStart [%k]/end [%K] time for rdimport(1) [HH:MM:SS]
%n%NRivendell cart number
%q%QStart [%q]/end [%Q] date for rdimport(1) [YYYY-MM-DD]
%s%SSong ID
%u%UUser Definied
%v%VEvent length (seconds, rounded down)
%wc%WCIndustry Standard Commercial Identification (ISCI) Code
%wi%WIInternational Standard Recording Code
%wm%WmMusicBrainz Recording ID
%wr%WrMusicBrainz Release ID
%x%XLog line ID (numeric)
%y%YRelease Year
%z%ZLog line number (numeric)
%%%%Literal "%" (ASCII 37)
\r\rLiteral Carriage Return (ASCII 13)
\n\nLiteral Linefeed (ASCII 10)

Table E.2. Metadata DateTime Specification

dThe day as a number without a leading zero (1 to 31)
ddThe day as a number with a leading zero (01 to 31)
dddThe abbreviated localized day name ('Mon' or 'Sun')
ddddThe long localized day name ('Monday' or 'Sunday')
MThe month as a number without a leading zero (1 to 12)
MMThe month as a number with a leading zero (01 to 12)
MMMThe abbreviated localized month name ('Jan' or 'Dec')
MMMM The long localized month name ('January' or 'December')
yyThe last two digits of the year
yyyyThe full four digits of the year
hThe hour without a leading zero (0 - 23, or 1 - 12 if using AM/PM display)
hhThe hour with a leading zero (00 - 23, or 01 -12 if using AM/PM display)
mThe minute without a leading zero (0 - 59)
mmThe minute with a leading zero (00 - 59)
sThe second without a leading zero (00 - 60)
ssThe second with a leading zero (00 - 60)
zThe milliseconds without a leading zero (0 - 999)
zzzThe milliseconds with leading zeros (000 - 999)
APUse AM/PM display. The 'AP' will be replaced by 'AM' or 'PM' as appropriate
apUse AM/PM display. The 'ap' will be replaced by 'am' or 'pm' as appropriate