BroadcastTools ADMS 44.22
GPI Enable ['GE'] |
GPI Set ['GI'] |
GPO Set ['GO'] |
Switch Add ['SA'] |
Switch Level ['SL'] |
Switch Remove ['SR'] |
Switch Take ['ST'] |
Control is done by means of a serial connection to the unit's integrated serial port. The 'OPTIONS' switches on the back of the unit should be set as follows:
1: OFF (UP) |
2: OFF (UP) |
3: OFF (UP) |
4: OFF (UP) |
5: OFF (UP) |
6: OFF (UP) |
7: ON (DOWN) |
8: ON (DOWN) |
9: OFF (UP) |
10: OFF (UP) |
The Rivendell serial interface should be set to use 9600 bits/sec, 8 bits, 1 stop bit and no flow control.