3.5. Library Maintenance

3.5.1. Editing Markers

Rivendell uses a system of cue points within audio cuts, referred to as markers. Markers can be used to specify a number of parameters for a piece of audio. They are set in the Edit Markers Dialog. To access the Dialog, open an audio cart, select the cut to open on the cut list and then touch the Edit Markers button.

The Dialog is divided into three areas: the waveform area in the upper half, consisting of the waveform display and Amplitude and Time buttons; the transport controls area in the center, consisting of Start, Pause, Stop and Loop buttons along with an audio meter and marker position readouts, and the bottom section containing the usual OK and Cancel buttons.

The Edit Marker Dialog

It's possible to 'zoom-in' on the waveform in various ways by clicking the Amplitude and Time buttons. By default, the waveform is displayed fully 'zoomed-out', thus showing the entire length of the audio cut. The GoTo buttons can be used to jump directly to the current play out cursor position, start or end of the waveform.

Audio can be played one of two ways: either by clicking on the waveform to indicate where play out should start and then clicking the left-hand Play button, causing play out to start from the selected position, or by clicking the center Play button, which will cause play out to start from the currently selected start marker. Clicking the Loop button will cause the audio to play out continuously, looping from end back to start, until either the Stop, Save or Cancel buttons are clicked.

All cuts have Cut markers, used to indicate the absolute start and end of the cut when played on-air. To adjust the position of the markers, position the mouse cursor over one of the arrows on the marker, press and hold the left-hand mouse button and drag it to the desired location. The marker's arrows will become larger to indicate that the marker has been selected.

Additional markers can be set as follows:

Fade Down

Indicates the point in the cut play-out to begin a steady fade down that will continue until the end Cut marker.

Fade Up

Indicates the point in the cut play-out to end a steady fade up that starts at the start Cut marker.


Indicates the portion of the cut to be played by a sound panel when in Hook mode.


Indicates the portion of the cut to be overlapped with audio from the following log event when used with a SEGUE transition in rdairplay(1).


Indicates the start and end points of the "Pie Widget" talk timer when the cut is played in rdairplay(1).

To add a marker, position the mouse cursor on the waveform, press the right-hand button and select the desired marker from the pop-up menu. Once added, a marker can be repositioned in the usual way.

To delete a marker, position the mouse cursor on one of the marker's arrows, press the right-hand button and select Delete Marker from the pop-up menu.

The Marker Menu

3.5.2. Copying and Pasting Audio from Cut to Cut

It's possible to make copies of an existing audio cut on the system by opening up the cut's parent cart in the Edit Cart Dialog, selecting it on the cut list and clicking the Copy button. To paste the copied audio, simply select the desired destination cut (within the same cart or a different one) and press Paste.