10.4. Posting: Creating a New Item

"Posting" is the action by which a new item is added to a podcast feed. RDCastManager is capable of posting to a feed from three different sources: a Rivendell cart/cut, a Rivendell log, and directly from an audio file.

10.4.1. Posting from a Rivendell Cart/Cut

To post the contents of a Rivendell cart/cut, touch the Post from Cart/Cut button to open the Select Cut dialog:

The Select Cut Dialog

Select the desired cart/cut, then touch the OK button. RDCastManager will upload the audio and then open the Editing Item dialog to allow the new item's metadata to be set.

10.4.2. Posting from a Rivendell Log

To post one or more events from a Rivendell log, touch the Post from Log button to open the Select Log dialog:

The Select Log Dialog

Select the log to post, then touch the OK button to bring up the Log Render Options dialog:

The Select Log Dialog

The following controls are available in this dialog:

Virtual Start Time

Set the virtual start time to be used when rendering the log. This can be useful for simulating a "real" log play-out so that dayparting of cuts works as expected. By default, the wall time when the OK is touched will be used.

At STOP transition

Set the action to take during log rendering if a STOP transition is encountered. If Treat as PLAY (the default) is selected, rendering will continue as if a PLAY transition were found. If Stop Rendering is selected, rendering of the log will be terminated at that point.

Selected Log Events

By default, all of the events in the log will be rendered (subject to possible truncation by a STOP transition as specified by the setting of At STOP Transition). To select a subset of events to be rendered, touch the Select button bring up the List Log dialog:

The List Log Events Dialog

Select the events to be rendered and then touch the OK button to return to the Log Render Options dialog.

After the desired rendering options set, touch the OK button. RDCastManager will upload the audio and then open the Editing Item dialog to allow the new item's metadata to be set.

10.4.3. Posting an Audio File

To post the contents of an audio file, touch the Post from File button to bring up the Select Audio File dialog.

The Select Audio File Dialog

Select the file to be posted and then touch the OK button. RDCastManager will upload the audio and then open the Editing Item dialog to allow the new item's metadata to be set.