3.2. Alternative Methods of Audio Ingestion

In addition to manually recording material in realtime, RDLibrary supports two alternative methods for audio ingestion:

3.2.1. Importing Audio from a File

To import audio from a file directly into a cut, we start by opening the cut's parent cart in the Edit Cart Dialog. Next, touch the cut's entry in the cut list and then touch the Import/Export button to open the Import/Export Audio Dialog.

The Import/Export Audio Dialog

Select the file you wish to import, either by entering the path and filename to it in the Filename field or by clicking the Select button to open a file browsing dialog. Rivendell is capable of importing the following types of audio files:

  • Microsoft WAV (*.wav) – PCM16, PCM24 and MPEG are supported
  • MPEG (*.mp1, *.mp2, *.mp3)
  • OggVorbis (*.ogg)
  • Free Lossless Audio Codec [FLAC] (*.flac)

Next, set the Channels drop-down menu to the appropriate number of channels. You may also wish to adjust the Normalize or Autotrim controls, although these will normally be set to reasonable default values by the system administrator and should seldom have to be altered. If Normalize is selected, then the imported audio will be peak normalized to the level indicated. The Autotrim does the same thing as in the Record Dialog (see section, 'Recording and Auditioning a Cut in the Record Dialog' above for details).

Finally, touch the Import button. A progress bar will indicate percentage completion of the import, followed by a popup box to announce completion. The Import Audio Dialog will automatically close after acknowledging completion. The audio is now imported, and can now be auditioned and otherwise processed in the usual way.

3.2.2. Ripping Audio from a CD Track

To rip audio directly off of a CD into a cut, we again start by opening the cut's parent cart in the Edit Cart Dialog. Next, select the cut's by touching the cut's entry in the cut list, and then touch the Rip button to open the Rip CD Dialog.

The Rip CD Dialog

Load a CD into the CD drive. After a few seconds, list of tracks should appear in the Tracks area. If the system administrator has enabled it, the system will attempt to locate a record for the disc at the MusicBranz.org music encyclopedia. If it finds a record there, the disc title and track information will be populated automatically.

A typical MusicBrainz lookup


It's possible that a disc will match more than one MusicBrainz record, in which case the system will present a dialog asking you to select the actual disc being used.

The MusicBrainz Multiple Matches Dialog

If this occurs, select one or more entries from the dropdown list and then touch OK. If more than one track is selected, the selected tracks will be seamlessly concatenated together in the target cut.

Set the Channels, Normalize and Autotrim controls appropriately (see Section 3.2.1, “Importing Audio from a File” for details on using the Normalize and Autotrim controls). Next, touch the track you wish to rip and then press the Rip Track button. The track will now be ripped into the cut, with a progress bar keeping you informed of progress. When the rip is complete, a message box will pop up to inform you of this.

If MusicBrainz data was found for the CD, you can have that information automatically be placed on the cart label for the cart by ticking the Apply MusicBrainz Values to Cart box before closing the Dialog.

3.2.3. Ripping Multiple CD Tracks at a Time

Sometimes, when transferring multiple audio tracks from CD, it's more convenient to be able to set up the entire transfer at once and then let the rip run in a 'batch' mode. RDLibrary is capable of ripping audio in this manner as well. To do this, click the Rip CD button near the bottom of the main RDLibrary screen, bringing up the Rip Disk Dialog.

The Rip Disk Dialog

This dialog is similar in many ways to the Rip CD Dialog described above, except that each track or range of tracks can be assigned to ripped to a different cut by double clicking on its listing or selecting the desired tracks, touching the listing and then the Set Cart/Cut button, bringing up the Select Cart/Cut Dialog. It's also possible to create a new cart automatically for each selected set of tracks by touching the Add Cart Per Track or Add Single Cart buttons.

The Set Cart/Cut Dialog

Select the desired cut to rip to and then touch the OK button, or create a new, empty cart/cut by touching the Add New Cart button. The complete set of library filtering tools are available to you here – see Section 3.4, “Navigating the Audio Library” for details on their function, just as in the main RDLibrary screen.

Once all of the desired tracks have been assigned to cuts, be sure that the Normalize, Autotrim, Channels and Apply FreeDB Values to Cart controls have been set as desired, then click the Rip Disk button. A set of progress bars will keep you informed of the progress of each track, as well as overall progress. When, the rip is finished, a message box will let you know.